Lumberyard District - Building #3:

Project Location: 5005 & 5011 South 135th Street, Omaha, NE 68137

Project Manager: Tim Huber - | Matt Wennstedt -

Project Superintendent: Tim Hultquist - | Ben Nissen -

Architect: Holland Basham Architects

Project Description: 54- 1 bedroom units and 38- 2 bedroom units - 92 total units

                                   Includes clubhouse and parking garage

                                   This is the first of 6 buildings - there will be a total of 346 units all together


Addenda & ASI's:

Addendum No. 1 as of 9/8/2015

ASI #1 for Building #3

ASI #2 for Building #3

ASI #3 for Building #3

ASI #4 for Building #3

ASI #5 for Building #3

ASI #6 for Building #3

ASI #7 for Building #3
ASI #8 for Building #3


Click to download plans and specifications:

Invitation to Bid

Full Set - Building 3 - As of 4/26/2016 Includes ASI's 1-5

Specifications - As of 4/26/2016 - Includes ASI's 1-5


Lumberyard District - Building #5:

Project Location: 5061 S 135th Street, Omaha, NE 68137

Project Manager: Tim Huber - | Matt Wennstedt -

Project Superintendent: Tim Hultquist - | Ben Nissen -


Architect: Holland Basham Architects


Click to download plans and specifications:

Full Plans - As of 4/26/2016 Includes ASI's 1-4

Specifications - As of 4/26/2016 - Includes ASI's 1-4


Addenda & ASI's:

ASI #1 for Building #5

ASI #2 for Building #5

ASI #3 for Building #5

ASI #4 for Building #5

ASI #6 for Building #5


Lumberyard District - Building #2, 6, 8 &9:

Project Location: 5005 South 135th Street, Omaha, NE 68137

Project Manager: Tim Huber - | Matt Wennstedt -

Project Superintendent: Tim Hultquist - | Ben Nissen -


Project Description

     Bldg 2 - 96 Units - 139,585 SF - Parking Garage

     Bldg 6 - 36 Units - 54,706 SF - Parking Garage

     Bldg 8 - 48 Units - 69,806 SF - Parking Garage

     Bldg 9 - 21 Units - 24,606 SF

     Please submit your bids in 2 formats:

          1.  Per building cost

          2. Total cost for doing all 4 buildings

Architect: Holland Basham Architect

     Please contact Mike Eckmann, Project Architect, with any substitution requests or questions.



ASI #1 for Buildings #2, 6, 8 & 9

ASI #2 for Buildings #2, 6, 8 & 9

ASI #3 for Buildings #2, 6, 8 & 9
ASI #4 for Buildings #2, 6, 8 & 9
ASI #5 for Buildings #2, 6, 8 & 9


Click to download plans and specifications:

Volume 1 - Civil, Arch, Structural - As of 4/26/2016 - Includes ASI's 1-2

Volume 2 - Mech, Electrical, Plumbing - As of 4/26/2016 - Includes ASI's 1-2

Specifications for all 4 buildings - As of 4/26/2016 - Includes ASI's 1-2